My last post, How Long Does a Sexual Awakening Take?, dealt with the fact that an awakening is sometimes a process, and one must be patient during that process. This one will tackle the other side of the marriage: Typically, the high-drive spouse, the partner
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How Long Does A Sexual Awakening Take?
Just so everyone is on the same page: the term “Sexual Awakening” is used in many Christian Marriage communities to describe a point where a spouse who has been refusing (limiting sex in the relationship), or one who just has an extremely low (or no)
Mother’s Day is the Most Dangerous Day of the Year for Couples
Did you know that Mother’s Day is the most dangerous day of the year for couples? It causes more affairs than any other day in the year. Find out why.
16 Confessions of a Marriage Sex Blogger
16 things about me and my role in being a Christian marriage sex blogger, in the hopes that it might help you get to know where I’m coming from a bit more.
Why Don’t I Give My Wife More Massages?
I know that if I want more sex, all I have to do is give more massages, not as a trade, but because it puts my wife in the mood. So, why don’t I do it?
How do I get my spouse to do [blank]?
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What does household leadership mean for the husband?
Ever wonder what household leadership feels like in terms of responsibility for the husband? Think it’s all just fun and getting your way? Guess again.
How Sex Impacts the Rest of My Life
My wife got bronchitis last month, so, our sex life has not been a priority. Here’s what I noticed about how it impacted the rest of my life.
What Happened To Sex When Christianity Split From Judaism?
In Jewish law, sex is not considered shameful, sinful or obscene. So, how did Christianity mess this up? What happened when we split?
What Is Your Goal?
I often read, in forums and comments, complaints from one spouse or another who isn’t getting what they want out of sex. Sometimes it has to do with a very simple problem of the spouses not knowing each other’s goals in a sexual encounter (or all of them).
Book Review: Grandma’s Sex Handbook
I had high hopes. It has some good basic concepts, but also some serious issues that cause me not to be able to recommend this book.