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Is it okay to write erotica for my spouse?

Is it okay to write erotica for my spouse?

We hear all the time from Christian bloggers about the dangers of reading erotica.  A quick search found no less than a dozen posts on the topic.  However, I couldn’t find a single one (besides my own) on writing erotica from a Christian perspective. Going

Do you believe you are lovable?

I think many of us struggle with the belief that we are lovable. We generally think that, as we are, we’re really not worthy of love.  I think this feeling of a sense of worth is often compounded in Christians due an imbalance of teachings.

Do you control your emotions, or do they control you?

Do you control your emotions? Or do they control you?

Emotions are a good thing.  You know how I know?  Because Jesus wept.  God created us with emotions, and even a sinless Christ without a sinful nature experienced them.  Not only that, but He experienced the full gamut of emotions, from joy to anger to

Are you giving to get?

Are you giving to get?

One of the biggest problems with relationships are covert contracts. Covert contracts are basically an agreement you have in your mind that if you do something, you’ll get something back in return. Typically you fool yourself into believing everyone understands the contract, but no one

Talking about sex survey results

Talking about sex - survey results

Probably the number one piece of advice I hand out to people is “talk to your spouse about it”.  It’s amazing how often that simple answer makes huge changes in marriage. But, I wanted to know how much of a difference talking about sex makes.

5 ways to stop stress from killing your sex life

5 ways to stop stress from killing your sex life

Stress has a huge impact on our sex lives.  It changes everything from the initial desire to have sex, through to arousal and ultimately the ability to orgasm. For most people, sex negatively impacts all these things.  So, one of my readers wants to know,

Sex drive differences aren’t the problem

Sex drive differences aren't the problem

Most couples face a conflict in terms of mismatched sex drives. The majority in fact, my marriage included.  This leads some people to believe that their sex drive, or the sex drive of their spouse, is the issue.  But it’s not.  It’s just a conflict,

Why do we keep having the same argument?

Why do we keep having the same argument?

Do you ever feel like you just keep having the same argument, discussion or conflict over and over again? Perhaps it comes up every week, every month, or every year.  It might just be something small and seemingly insignificant, or it might be something larger