SWM013: Morning Sex

Sex Within Marriage Podcast Image for PostsThis week, I’m talking about morning sex, that is sex when you first wake up.  Why discuss morning sex?  Because there’s a lot going on that people don’t realize I think.  I often get asked “why does my husband want sex in the morning?” and so if you ever had that question, or if you’re a husband and are curious why you want sex in the morning, here’s your change to find out why.

Morning sex is good because

  • Testosterone, the hormone that drives sexual desire, is at it’s highest in the morning
  • Cortisol, the ‘stress hormone’ is lowest in the morning
  • Cortisol offsets dopamine, which is required for sex
  • So, sex will be better due to lower cortisol
  • Sex produces testosterone, oxytocin, dopamine, anti-depressants and anti-stress agents
  • Testosterone makes us feel confident, assertive, aggressive (in a good way)
  • Oxytocin makes us feel emotionally connected
  • Dopamine make us feel like we did something good
  • Natural Anti-depressants and anti-stress agents help us feel better about life
  • Plus, it’s a good morning exercise

Some of the struggles are

  • Switching gears from sleep to sex
  • Having sex with the lights on and body image issues
  • Kids who are awake
  • Morning breath
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