Category Archives: Marriage

How Would Most Men Describe A Romantic Evening?

Anonymous Questions from our readers

How would most men describe a romantic evening?

If you ask me to describe a romantic evening, or plan a romantic weekend, or something similar, my answer will be exactly what I think my wife would think would be romantic. I don’t think I really grasp the concept of romance, and based on comments from lots of wives on message boards, blogs, etc, I don’t think I’m alone.

Training Your Spouse

In the last week or two, there has been a lot of discussion in the Christian marriage blog-o-sphere about teaching your spouse, as far as I can tell, it originated with an article over at Hot, Holy and Humorous called How You Like To Be Touched.

My Thoughts on Divorce

Let me start by saying that I know this is going to upset some people, and I’m sorry for that.  But not sorry enough not to post it. I’m seeing a growing trend in Christianity regarding divorce.  I’m not talking about the growing trend of

Are you curious if your bedroom activities are "normal"?  Find out by filling out our latest anonymous survey.