Category Archives: Marriage

Dealing with a non-neural-typical spouse

Lately, it seems we’ve been getting more and more comments from people with non-neural-typical partners and struggling to deal with it.  What is a non-neural-typical partner?  Well, if we say neural has to do with how the brain functions, and typical is … well …

How to stop fighting

At church today, I was talking to a teen, and during the conversation he asked how often my wife and I fight.  I answered that we don’t fight, and he was floored.  His parents fight constantly.  Then it occurred to me, mine fight fairly regularly

Where is the line between biblical submission and being a doormat?

My wife and I talk about sex a fair bit.  Why?  Well, probably a few reasons: I have a fascination with sexuality, particularly in marriage.  The hormones and neuro-chemicals involved, physiological and psychological responses, how it impacts marriage and the rest of life.  Why we do the things we

Do you have a performance based marriage?

This topic is a bit on the fringes of sex within marriage, but it’s one that gets brought up a lot, particularly in the discussions about spouses that refuse to have sex, or has had an affair, or is addicted to porn.  Is there a

How Would Most Men Describe A Romantic Evening?

Anonymous Questions from our readers

How would most men describe a romantic evening?

If you ask me to describe a romantic evening, or plan a romantic weekend, or something similar, my answer will be exactly what I think my wife would think would be romantic. I don’t think I really grasp the concept of romance, and based on comments from lots of wives on message boards, blogs, etc, I don’t think I’m alone.