Topics include:
Wife wants too much sex
Couple needs counselling
Keep having the same unproductive fight
Make boundaries before you start dating
Sexy underwear for men
All posts by Jay Dee
SWM 106 – Nude pictures, sex toys, asexual wife, wife not in love with me, wish my wife had a bigger butt
Is it okay to take nude pictures and videos of each other?
Limon by Minna discount
Asexual wife?
Wife loves me, but isn’t in love with me
Wife isn’t interested in improving our sex life
Wish I married a bigger butt
Secretly feed her ejaculate
Husband says my vagina stinks and tastes bad
50-year-old wife refuses to have sex
Do we need a counselor?
SWM 105 – Threesome temptation, aversion to manual and oral, penis size, falling asleep during sex
Topics include:
Threesome temptations
Aversion to receiving manual and oral sex
Penis size
Falling asleep during sexy time
SWM 104 – Do women control men, beauty vs lusting, playlist for sex, and are men polygamous by nature?
Women use sex to control men, so men should be allowed to masturbate
Appreciating beauty vs lusting
Playlist for sex
Squeamish about handjobs
Another question about masturbation
How do I get my wife to masturbate for me?
Is oral sex okay?
Are men polygamous by nature?
SWM 103 – Phone sex, oral sex to completion, are pictures okay, increasing female libido, toxic wife and more
Topics include:
Phone sex
Oral sex to completion
Forgiveness and trust after betrayal
Are pictures and videos a problem?
Increasing female libido naturally
What is our duty?
Toxic wife
Abusive employer
SWM 102 – Wife conflicted, orgasming during sex, BDSM, wife doesn’t like clitoral stimulation and holding your spouse accountable
Topics include:
Does my wife know what I’m doing to her?
I want to share orgasms with my husband
What are your thoughts on BDSM?
Is bondage a problem for me?
Wife doesn’t like direct clitoral stimulation
How do I hold my wife accountable?
SWM 101 – Why does my spouse always push for more during sex?
Answering this question:
Jay, I enjoyed the book (Introduction to Talking Dirty) that my hubby put on my iPad. The thing is, no matter what I do in my comfort zone, it isn’t enough. I do many, I mean many, of the examples you use, even the F WORD. How do I get him to be grateful for what I do instead of needing more? I always feel inadequate.
SWM 100 – My daughter’s speech – The crisis of my generation – transgenderism
My daughter’s speech that the judges decided they couldn’t let win because of the topic, but went on to districts despite them.
SWM 099 – Spouse fell asleep, revealing clothes, public sex, dreams and encouraging your spouse to be healthier
Topics include:
Spouse falls asleep during romantic getaway
Husband wants her to wear revealing clothes
Public sex
Are we responsible for our dreams?
How to encourage your spouse to be healthier
SWM 098 – Energy, mutual masturbation, orgasm struggles, desire type quiz and meeting other couples
Topics include:
Where does the energy come from?
Mutual masturbation
Sharing fantasies and machines
Masturbation due to struggles with orgasming
Spontaneous / Responsive desire quiz
Why do married men masturbate?
How do you meet other people?
Can I use sex to encourage my husband to lose weight?
SWM 097 – Location, bruises, God’s role vs my role, how to stop faking orgasms, where do I get my “garbage theology”
Topics include:
Where are you?
How to hide bruises
What role do I have in God changing my heart?
Mother of 3 young kids isn’t as interested in sex as husband
How to recover from faking orgasms?
Husband wants to be pursued
Where do you get your garbage theology?