Category Archives: Challenges

SWM 118 – In sickness and in health

The traditional wedding vows go something like “I take you to be my wife/husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful husband/wife in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live.”

Unfortunately, I don’t remember my wedding vows. I remember picking some. I remember memorizing them. I remember reciting them, from memory, during the wedding, despite having the flu and a fever. But nearly 23 years later, I don’t remember what they were.

I’m sure they contained something like “in sickness and in health,” though.

This past month, we got to test those vows.

February Squat Challenge

February Squat Challenge

From time to time, I like to run month-long challenges. Some of you joined us for our DietBet game, and even more for our Kegel challenge. This month, we’re going to be doing squats. Why do a squat challenge? Well, squats have a lot of

A year of marriage challenges – Completed?

Can you believe the year of marriage challenges is over?  I hardly can.  So, I bet a lot of people are wondering “What’s next?” and some more want to know “Where can I get a list of all the challenges?”

A year of marriage challenges

Monogamy doesn’t need to result in monotony.  I firmly believe that, even if the world tries to tell us otherwise.  Too often we see in movies, hear from comedians, and even from other Christians, that marriage gets stale after decades of being with one sexual

Are you curious if your bedroom activities are "normal"?  Find out by filling out our latest anonymous survey.