Category Archives: Spiritual Intimacy

I’ll never be good enough

I'll never be good enough

When we started fixing our marriage and my wife realized how important sex was both to me and to our relationship, we started improving our physical relationship.  We had sex more often, and it was more varied.  We both enjoyed the changes. However, a discussion

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

Your relationship has to be based on more than just sex

I was talking with Keelie from today and we got into a conversation about intimacy.  In particular, about intimacy while dating.  It ended up being a good discussion, and so I thought I’d share what I shared with her because this affects not only couples

What if we took spiritual warfare seriously?

What if we took spiritual warfare seriously?

This post isn’t about marriage directly.  It’s something that a few things (sermon, conversations) have led me to over the course of a Sabbath.  To me, it was … something big.  Maybe it will be for you. Maybe not.  Either way, I’m writing it here mostly

Do you feel like a sexual being, or a sexual object?

Do you feel like a sexual object or a sexual being?

I’m trying to process something I was thinking about on my commute home today.  It has to do with this verse: The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not

How do you stop sinful behaviours? – Part 2

How do you stop sinful behaviours- Part 2

Last week I wrote a post about how to stop sinful behaviours.  In truth, I only gave half the answer. I wrote about recognizing how wretched we are and continuously dying to self.  I focused on that because as Christians, we tend to skip that

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

I get a lot of comments and questions from people asking “How do I stop sinful behaviour?” and it’s a difficult question to answer.  Whether you’re trying to quit porn, yelling at your kids, or overeating, it’s really the same issue.  Our sinful nature is

Should I listen to my husband or God?

Should I listen to my husband or God?

This morning I was listening to someone answer this question from one of their readers: What does a wife do when her conviction regarding a spiritual principle is different than her husbands?  For example, I have a conviction that we should be tithing. For a while

Do you talk about theology with your spouse?

I’ve been very blessed to have a spouse who believes the same things I do about God.  We even changed denominations together a decade ago.  We both felt convicted that the church we grew up in wasn’t teaching doctrine that was in keeping with the Bible.

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