Truth or Dare for the married couple

Jay Dee

Truth or Dare for the married couple

Dec 25, 2015

Remember playing Truth or Dare as a teenager?  If not, let me explain.  Truth or dare is a simple game where your fellow gamer requests a “Truth” or a “Dare”, and then you proceed to form a question, or a dare, to put to them.


Remember playing Truth or Dare as a teenager?  If not, let me explain.  Truth or dare is a simple game where your fellow gamer requests a “Truth” or a “Dare”, and then you proceed to form a question, or a dare, to put to them.  They in turn as you if you want a “Truth” or a “Dare” and on the game goes.

Well, as teenagers, this can be a dangerous game, because it’s one where people often test the limits of propriety, but as married adults, our limits are much further back.

So, I thought I’d build a Truth or Dare game on our site to let people play this game as adults, now with only self-imposed limits on them.  It’s mobile friendly (at least on all the phones I was able to test on), and you can choose what activities you participate in in your marriage so that none of the dares are beyond limits you’re comfortable with.

You can use this as a fun bedroom game to push your limits, or just as foreplay to warm you up on a day when you’re not really feeling it yet.

The game has about 80 cards total, split up over 3 stages.  The stages are there to allow you to warm up slowly, so that the truths or dares don’t get too intimate too quickly, for those who need some time to get aroused.  For example, one Stage 1 truth card is “What do you find sexiest about me?” whereas a Stage 3 truth card example is “What’s a sexual activity you might be ready for one day but aren’t yet?”, and the dares follow a similar progression.  As well, with each stage there is a shedding of clothes, to ensure one spouse doesn’t get naked to far ahead of the other.

SexWithinMarriage Truth Or Dare

Now, it’s up to you to decide if you want to allow skips or not.  You could give each player a set number of skips, its up to you.  I don’t have that included in the game, so you’ll have to track it yourself, but that might be a good idea, especially if you have a hesitant spouse.  However, since you can opt out of activities at the outset, I’m hoping the game won’t force you to be put in any awkward situations.   As well, since the game is randomly choosing the cards, according to what stage you are on, you don’t have to worry about your spouse giving you a hardcore dare right off the bat.

The game is completely anonymous.  It asks for names, but they aren’t saved anywhere, except in your browser.  As soon as you close the window, all the information will be gone.  But, if you are feeling nervous about putting your name in, just enter fake names, or “Husband” and “Wife” if you prefer.

I hope you enjoy it.  Consider it my Christmas present to my readers.  I’ve spent a great deal of time on this, getting it work properly and coming up with the cards, so I hope it benefits some people.  I’d love to hear any feedback you have on it, whether it’s how much you enjoyed it, or suggestions for improving it.

You can play for free here or buy a printable deck here.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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