Category Archives: Faith

SWM 108 – What does the Bible say about hell?

One of the most confusing subjects in Christianity is the topic of hell. The popular view is that hell is a place of eternal torment where vengeful God sends you for all of eternity for not obeying Him. People use this belief to try and scare people into being Christians.

Let’s see what the Bible says about hell. Do people get tortured for eternity? Is it just an infinite existence of everlasting torment? Is God really that sadistic?

SWM 094 – Who is more righteous?

A reader poses a question:
There are two people. The first person participates in the modern Sexual Marketplace by dating around, having a series of mid-to-long-term relationships that involve sex, and having a few hookups, but ends up in a stable marriage and has children by his mid-to-late twenties. The second person follows Biblical Courtship (or whatever you want to call it), saves sex for marriage, only courts/dates Christians, but never finds a spouse and ends up as a 40-year-old childless virgin.
Who was the more righteous of the two?

SWM 063 – Sermon – It’s all worth it

I’m preaching this weekend in my home church, and so, I thought I’d share my sermon, both because I feel bad that I haven’t been working as much on getting podcast episodes out because of it, and because I thought it might be a good way to practice it, do some final editing and figure out how long it would be.

What happens when you die?

Question from a reader:
So, I was listening to one of your podcasts, I don’t remember which one but you were talking about souls and what happens after death. You said that nothing happens after death until Jesus comes back. But I want to know what you think about the story Jesus tells in Luke 6:19-31, it’s the story of the rich man and the beggar. After the beggar Lazarus dies, he was carried away in Abraham’s bosom. According to this story, when you die, your soul goes paradise (I believe).

Are you preparing your life for ministry?

Are you preparing your life for ministry?

This weekend my family and I were camping up north at a Christian family camp.  Cold weekend.  Dropped to three degrees Celsius the first night (that’s 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit for my American readers).  A bit chilly for a tent.  But, we survived. Now, I didn’t

Stop telling men to be self-sacrificing

Stop telling men to be self-sacrificing

I’m getting sick and tired of hearing references to Ephesians 5:25.  It seems every time I turn around, some other person, be it a man or a woman, is quoting it.  In case you don’t know it off the top of your head.  Here’s the

Do you believe you are lovable?

I think many of us struggle with the belief that we are lovable. We generally think that, as we are, we’re really not worthy of love.  I think this feeling of a sense of worth is often compounded in Christians due an imbalance of teachings.

Do you control your emotions, or do they control you?

Do you control your emotions? Or do they control you?

Emotions are a good thing.  You know how I know?  Because Jesus wept.  God created us with emotions, and even a sinless Christ without a sinful nature experienced them.  Not only that, but He experienced the full gamut of emotions, from joy to anger to

Why can’t I be happy with myself

Why can't I be happy with myself-

Friday night, Jay challenged me to say “I’m happy with the progress I’ve made” out loud, to myself.  Would you have a hard time saying that out loud? Even to yourself?  I did. It was incredibly difficult. It took a conversation that lasted a couple

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