SWM001: Welcome to the Sex Within Marriage Podcast

Sex Within Marriage Podcast

Well, my regular readers have been asking for a podcast for some time, and I’m finally ready to take the plunge.  This is our first episode of what I plan to be a weekly podcast.  For those who want more information, here are the show notes, or you can listen to the podcast itself.  I’m still learning audio production skills, so be patient with me on the sound.  I hope it will improve over time. Also, I have a cold, so when that has run its course, that should help as well.  Nevertheless, I’d love to hear your feedback on our first episode.

And for all our regular readers, please come out to support us.  If you have an Apple product, hit subscribe for iTunes, if you have an android device, hit subscribe for Android, help us spread the word of this new podcast, because every subscribe is a “vote” in the various “featured podcasts” lists.  Thank you in advance for helping us help more marriages.

Episode Notes


  • My name is Jay Dee
  • Married to Christina for 14 years this spring
  • We have 5 children, ages 9 and down
  • Christian Marriage Coach – AnonymousMarriageCoaching.com
  • Blogger – SexWithinMarriage.com (this blog) – This podcast is really an extension of that blog

Why talk about sex within marriage from a Christian perspective?

Why talk about sex from a Christian perspective?

  • People are going to learn about sex, whether we talk about it or not.
  • Do we want to learn from the world?  Why, when we could hear from fellow Christians.
  • There are a lot of confused opinions, even within Christianity, about what is okay, what is not, what the Bible says about sex, and what it doesn’t.
  • Difficult, if not impossible to address these issues from the pulpit.
  • Many don’t feel they have anyone they’re comfortable enough with to talk to.

Why talk about sex within marriage?

  • Most of the advice you find online, unfortunately, has to do with short term relationships.
  • Much of the world treats sex like a recreational activity, and so their suggestions are based purely on pleasure, not on intimacy or keeping a relationship healthy in the long term.
  • There is a great need for people to explore sexuality with the goal of creating true, authentic intimacy within marriage
  • Too often we, as Christians, when we talk about sex, which is rarely, focus too much on what you shouldn’t do.  We focus on the sins without teaching the reason for those guidance.  For example, we teach teenagers not to have sex, but fail to explain to them that the reason they shouldn’t have sex is so that they can a better chance at a more fulfilling sex life when they do get married, without having to deal with all the additional baggage of prior sexual partners.

What are we going to discuss on this podcast?

  • Marriage, Intimacy, Sex
  • Psychology, Physiology, Theology and how they practically play out in a marriage on a day to day basis
  • Communication, Behaviours, Tips and Tricks
  • Posting audio versions of old blog posts
  • Answering listener’s questions (SexWithinMarriage.com/podcast)


  • Weekly Published Episodes
  • ~15 minutes in length


  • Week 7 of our marriage challenges – This week: Start each day with a 30 second hug or some passionate kissing

Until next week!

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