Category Archives: Masturbation

Anonymous Questions – April 19, 2018

Anonymous Questions from our readers

We only received one anonymous question in the last few weeks, which I discussed in our mailing list.  I’m posting my response here on the blog so that those not on the weekly newsletter can read it, but also so people can start a discussion

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

How do you stop sinful behaviours?

I get a lot of comments and questions from people asking “How do I stop sinful behaviour?” and it’s a difficult question to answer.  Whether you’re trying to quit porn, yelling at your kids, or overeating, it’s really the same issue.  Our sinful nature is

Is it sinful for widows to masturbate?

Is it okay for widows to masturbate?

How do you answer the question of whether or not it’s okay for widows to masturbate?  Well, I got asked this very question back in August and I’ll admit, I’ve been hesitant to answer it.  Here’s the comment from our Are sex toys allowed in

Your spouse’ sin doesn’t counterbalance yours

Not a week goes by that I don’t see this portrayed in a comment or email from a reader.  Their spouse has committed, or is committing, some sin, and so their response is that they have to do something wrong as well.  Sometimes it’s a retaliation,

Is masturbation for medical reasons okay?

I received this question a couple of days ago through our anonymous Have A Question page and wanted to tackle it quickly as it seemed time sensitive. In the case of medical necessary, is masturbation and pornography okay?Backstory: We’re struggling with infertility. I am a

Are you curious if your bedroom activities are "normal"?  Find out by filling out our latest anonymous survey.