Can Christians have threesomes?

Jay Dee

Can Christians have threesomes?

May 23, 2015

I wish this was a joke, but I received this question this week in from our Have A Question page: Are threesomes in marriage a sin I’ll be honest, I contemplated not answering it.  I really thought the answer was that obvious.  Then I did

ICanChristiansHaveThreesomes wish this was a joke, but I received this question this week in from our Have A Question page:

Are threesomes in marriage a sin

I’ll be honest, I contemplated not answering it.  I really thought the answer was that obvious.  Then I did some searching, and found multiple sites with supposedly Christian sex advice saying that threesomes were okay.  So, I figured I should write about it, since it seems people are getting a lot of bad advice out there.

Alright, just in case someone who is reading doesn’t know what a threesome is: a threesome is having sex between three individuals at the same time.

In all cases this either breaks down into a cases of fornication, adultery, or a mix of the two (with the odd exception being polygamy, which we’re not going to discuss, because we already beat that topic to death).

So, if a husband and wife invite another married person into their bed, that falls under adultery, regardless of whether or not they are consenting, or their spouses is consenting.  It’s still adultery.

If a husband and wife invite a non-married person into their bed, then that falls under fornication…and adultery.  And as we’ve discussed previously, fornication (sex prior to marriage, or without marriage) is also sinful and damaging.

Every argument I’ve seen either tries to do away with these two fundamental points, or side steps them and obscures the real issues by getting into a debate about what the Bible explicitly says about threesomes (which is very little, and only indirectly).  But, the Bible is very clear on this simple fact: Sex is valid only for a man and a woman who are already married, to each other.  No one else.  No exceptions.  No extenuating circumstances.  In every other case it is damaging to your relationship with that other person, to your spouse (present or future) and to God.

Your Turn

That’s all I’m going to say on the topic.  Anyone else want to jump in?

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