46 Facts about orgasms for National Orgasm Day

Jay Dee

46 Facts about orgasms for National Orgasm Day

Jul 31, 2015

Well, it’s National Orgasm Day in the US, and I thought we’d help them celebrate by sharing some facts about orgasm.  Just for fun.  Then you can go and celebrate however you wish. The English word “orgasm” comes from the Greek “orgasmos”, which means “to

National Orgasm DayWell, it’s National Orgasm Day in the US, and I thought we’d help them celebrate by sharing some facts about orgasm.  Just for fun.  Then you can go and celebrate however you wish.

  1. The English word “orgasm” comes from the Greek “orgasmos”, which means “to swell with moisture, be excited or eager”
  2. Men’s orgasms stimulate the same part of the brain that heroin does in a heroin addicts brain
  3. While there is only one kind of orgasm, there are multiple ways to achieve them (particularly in women). “Blended orgasms” occur with multiple nerve pairs are stimulated simultaneously achieving orgasm.
  4. 48% of regular headache sufferers can have their pain cured by orgasm
  5. Dopamine helps you achieve orgasm, and Dopamine is produced by doing something new, exciting or taboo.  That’s why new sexual activities bring such strong orgasms, and more easily.
  6. Men can have multiple orgasm as well, it’s just extremely rare.
  7. Approximately 15-20% of American women have never had an orgasm.
  8. 30% of women have trouble reaching orgasm.
  9. 30% of women can have an orgasm from intercourse alone.
  10. Orgasms do not stop with age.  Some still experience them when 90 years old.
  11. How long it takes to orgasm varies dramatically from person to person and includes a variety of factors including, but not limited to age, sexual experience and drugs (medical or recreational).  While men “typically” need 2-20 minutes of stimulation to achieve orgasm, some who experience “delayed orgasms” may need an hour or more, whereas some women can orgasm in under 30 seconds rather than the “typical” 20 minutes minimum stimulation needed for women.
  12. Men tend to overestimate how often their partner orgasms by about 20%.
  13. The older you get, the shorter your orgasm becomes, on average.
  14. Different religions have specified how often you should engage in sex while married (and presumably orgasm):
  15. People experience orgasm often look like they are in pain.  This may be due to the fact that two of the same brain regions that light up during orgasm are also activated by pain.
  16. Some women can have an orgasm just by having their nipples stimulated.
  17. Orgasms can alleviate pain.  So can thinking about sex.
  18. Antihistamines can inhibit self-lubrication in the same way they stop a runny nose.
  19. Women who feel less secure in their relationship are less likely to orgasm.
  20. Aristotle is considered the first to write about female ejaculation.
  21. The French translation of orgasm is “le petit mort” meaning “the little death”
  22. Female orgasms cause the uterus to behave differently depending on their menstrual cycle.  Near fertility, it contracts in a way to “suck up” as much semen as possible.  At other times, it contracts to expel semen.  As such, women are more likely to conceive if they have an orgasm after their partner does.
  23. Some women experience orgasm while giving birth.
  24. You can get pregnant without either partner having an orgasm.
  25. There is literally a device that can be hard-wired to the brain of a woman to produce orgasms at the touch of a button….that’s dangerous.  I could play that game all day long.
  26. It is possible for men to orgasm and ejaculate without an erection.
  27. Orgasms boost your immunity.
  28. Men who orgasm at least twice a week have a longer life expectancy.
  29. Female orgasms last about twice as long as male orgasms.
  30. 37% of women experience orgasm while sleeping
  31. About 40% of women have had a “premature orgasm”, meaning they didn’t want to orgasm yet, but couldn’t stop.  It’s not just men.
  32. Some people sneeze after orgasm.
  33. Some women have orgasms and don’t realize it.
  34. Men usually want to orgasm during every encounter.  Many women do not.
  35. It’s possible to have an orgasm and experience no pleasure from it.  This is typically linked to SSRI medications.
  36. Men who are overweight produce less semen.
  37. Semen contains: water, sperm (only 1-5% of the total volume), sodium (10 mg), fructose (9 mg), protein (500 mg, about 50% by weight), and smaller amounts of zinc, potassium, calcium and chlorine.
  38. Male ejaculate travels at about 28 miles per hour (45 kph) until it leaves the male body, then it slows and takes about 5 minutes to reach the cervix.
  39. Orgasm used to be considered a medical cure for hysteria in women.  Vibrators were original invented to help doctors provide treatment.
  40. A study found that people who orgasm 4 or more times a week look up to 7 years younger.
  41. Some people feel a “spark” up their spine when they orgasm.  It’s from the pair of nerves that connect your genitals to your brain.
  42. Kegel exercises increase your ability to orgasm.
  43. The part of your brain that is responsible for handling fear and danger shut off during orgasm.
  44. Stress produces cortisol which is an orgasm inhibitor.
  45. Some women can orgasm from exercise alone. However, almost all women become more easily aroused and more orgasmic for 30 minutes after doing aerobic exercise (exercise that makes you breath hard) and an hour if that’s combined with strength training.
  46. Orgasm might get better with age for women.  One study says that the most sexually satisfied women are over the age of 80.
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