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Is masturbation a sin?

This has been an ongoing discussion/disagreement between Paul Byerly and I for just over a year now.  I have a great respect for Paul, and enjoy our game of theological tennis, even if we don’t see eye to eye on a few topics.  It all started with

How do I know my spouse is my soul-mate?

This is a question that plagues couples, both within and outside of Christianity.  It comes in many different forms: Is my spouse my soul mate? Did I miss my soul mate? Is my soul mate still out there? If my spouse dies and I marry

Is sexual sin worse than other kinds of sin?

This post is basically my response to a Twitter conversation, if it can be called that, which occurred yesterday. I saw this tweet: JimEKey: GOD SAYS #sex outside of #marriage is SIN, OF THE WORST KIND, IT IS SIN AGAINST THE BODY, MEANT TO BE THE TEMPLE OF

Reasons Not To Have Sex Survey Results

This was a simple little survey that I created, originally to answer a simple question:  do husbands and wife’s agree on whether or not the choice to not have sex on a given night is mutual.  This question was raised due to a comment on

You don’t have time for sex?

This concept presents itself in two ways generally: One spouse has a checklist of things that must occur before sex.  See this comment. Life is just too busy and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. The answer to both is pretty

Book Review: Real Marriage

Last week I was asked what my opinions on the book “Real Marriage” by Mark & Grace Driscoll were.  I didn’t have any because I hadn’t read the book.  I’ve seen the cover here and there, and I’d heard the name, but no-one’s opinion of the

Is my spouse attracted to me?

I wrote a survey this weekend to help out with a post and answer a question from a reader: Was their spouse attracted to them?  So many people commented, both in the survey, on Facebook, message boards, in emails, comments, etc., that they wanted to see the

Does my husband still find me attractive?

Yesterday morning (4 am my time), I received an anonymous question from a new reader.  She’s had a, shall we say, colourful life, but now has settled down, has become a Christian, has a husband and is growing in Christ.  But, while we are all

How does porn use harm a marriage?

In 2012, I wrote a post called What Is Christian Porn? because it was a phrase I was seeing pop up here and there and I thought it was a ridiculous oxymoron.  Since then, people looking for “Christian Porn” accounts for 2% of my total traffic!