Here’s a question I received from our anonymous Have a Question page about dealing with erectile dysfunction:
Hey Jay! Have you ever dealt with the Christian’s response to medications that are designed to help men with E.D.? I’m into my 60’s now and the equipment just work like it used to. I am contemplating getting some help. I would appreciate your response. Thanks
I’m not sure all Christians would agree with me, but here is what I think the Christian response should be:
Erectile Dysfunction is a symptom, not a disease or a problem to be dealt with. Rather, I think we should be targeting the source of the problem and dealing with that.
For some, that could be psychological, or relational, but since you’re over 60, I’m going to guess that it’s physiological. Most medical professionals will tell you “that’s normal, we’ll put you on Viagra”, but if you talk to a naturopathic doctor, it’s a different story. The ones I’ve talked to say that is no reason a man in his 60s should be having erectile dysfunction without some other underlying cause that should be dealt with. Often, it’s due to other medication that are dealing with yet other symptoms of a root cause (instead of dealing with the real issue).
I’m not saying medication doesn’t have a place or a use, but personally, I think we should be using it as a temporary stop gap, which we figure out the real issue. Instead, in our culture, we use it as the solution.
So, my response would be to go find a naturopathic doctor and find the real issue. If it’s due to other medication, see if it’s possible to get off of those, with the professional’s help. In the mean time, find other ways to pleasure each other when your having a difficult time getting or maintaining an erection, and check out the post on dealing with erectile dysfunction naturally.