Category Archives: Sex

What do couples do when one wants sex and the other doesn’t?

The difference in sexual desire between a husband and a wife is one of those universal conflicts.  I think just about every marriage deals with it at some point.  If yours hasn’t yet – well congratulations newlyweds! Just because it’s a conflict though doesn’t mean

Last minute gift ideas for Father’s Day

Anyone else feel like Father’s Day sort of sneaked up on them? I mean, Mother’s Day seems to have a lot of ads, I feel like there was lots of warning.  But Father’s Day?​  I mean, I get flyers to the hardware store to buy power

SWM 056 – How To Feel Connected During Sex

What does it mean to feel “connected” during sex. For many spouses, when their husband or wife says “I don’t feel connected during sex”, they get quite confused. They’re thinking “I am literally inside of you/you are literally inside of me, how can we be MORE connected?!”

But of course, they’re not talking about a physical connection, but rather an emotional, mental or spiritual connection.

SWM 052 – Are Dominance/Submission Games in the Bedroom OK?

Are Dominance_Submission Games in the bedroom OK_

A reader asks:
I enjoy calling my husband “Sir” in bed, as we enjoy our submissive/dominant roles in marriage to be played out in sex as well. He felt weird about it at first, but now loves it. I read your post a while ago where you mentioned that humiliation isn’t good for your partner in the long term. Would you consider this to be humiliation? What about the trend to call men “daddy” in bed?

SWM 049 – Focus on your spouse, not the model

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what sort of sex drive you have, because it can change. Focus more on your spouse, and less on fitting them into a box. That way, if things change, you can adjust to the changes, rather that be stuck on a model that doesn’t match your dynamic anymore.

September Kegel/Squat Challenge

Well, summer is nearly over. Here in Canada, this is our last long weekend until Thanksgiving in October, so our family is going camping and while we’re there, my wife is running a Spartan Beast – 21 km (13 mile) obstacle course (her new hobby/obsession).

Is it wrong for Christians to be Circumcised?

A few weeks ago, I received a question through our Have a Question page. Normally I would just answer them in our monthly questions round up, like this one, but this question had so much history to go through and it’s so polarizing in Christian