International Female Orgasm Day – August 8

Jay Dee

International Female Orgasm Day – August 8

Aug 08, 2014

Today (August the 8th) is International Female Orgasm Day! In case you haven’t heard of it, International Female Orgasm Day (or International Day of the Female Orgasm, depending on the translation) is a holiday started in Brazil to raise awareness of female sexuality.  The intention

International Female Orgasm DayToday (August the 8th) is International Female Orgasm Day!

In case you haven’t heard of it, International Female Orgasm Day (or International Day of the Female Orgasm, depending on the translation) is a holiday started in Brazil to raise awareness of female sexuality.  The intention is to take the day to learn more about the female orgasm.   I’d love to take the day off and use it to research this topic (both by study and experimentation), but, for most of us (myself included), that isn’t an option.

So, we’re just going to have to celebrate by doing some personal researching later on today.  It just so happens that this year it falls on Friday, which means after sundown it’s Sabbath, and according to Jewish tradition, it’s a blessing to have sex tonight, so you have that going for you as well.  We’re going to be using the research from our Female Ejaculation survey to conduct some experiments of our own.

If you aren’t interested in that, you can check out our posts on Anal Sex (38% of wives in our survey orgasm from this activity, contrary to popular belief), Mutual Masturbation, Hair Pulling, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Bondage and Massages.  There are so many ways to celebrate this holiday!

If you’re feeling brave enough you can click to tweet: August 8 – International Female Orgasm Day – How are you celebrating? #PublicServiceAnnouncement

Also, this may be a good time to open up a bit and talk about what works for you in the bedroom.  Tell your spouse what turns you on, where your hot spots are, where your “not so hot” spots are.  Talking about sex is difficult for most couples, particularly if you aren’t used to it, but it can be more comfortable with practice.

And for those wives who are an-orgasmic, or pre-orgasmic (don’t orgasm, or haven’t yet), just take the time to enjoy the sensations, to learn and feel how they affect you.  It might help you one day get to that elusive orgasm, but don’t focus on chasing the orgasm, but in experiencing a connection with your husband.

I hope you all have a great International Female Orgasm Day, I know I will.  And for those whose marriages aren’t in a place where this is possible, maybe mark it in your calendar for next year.  Things could turn around.



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