I’m a father (again)

Jay Dee

I’m a father (again)

Feb 17, 2015

This is just a quick post for those who have been anxiously anticipating the birth of our newest addition.  Well, he arrived this afternoon, weighing in at 9lbs, 15oz.  Birth was quick, if not painless.  Fingers and toes are all accounted for.  We didn’t get

Im a father againThis is just a quick post for those who have been anxiously anticipating the birth of our newest addition.  Well, he arrived this afternoon, weighing in at 9lbs, 15oz.  Birth was quick, if not painless.  Fingers and toes are all accounted for.  We didn’t get to have our home birth due to meconium in the amniotic fluid (don’t Google it if you don’t want to know), but everything went well.  Both he and Christina are in the hospital overnight for observation (she bled a bit more than they liked and his blood sugar is a bit lower than they like, but’s just a precaution), they’re quite happy and healthy.

So, to those who have been praying for us, thank you!

Oh, and yes, that’s his real picture.

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