Category Archives: Podcast

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SWM033 – Sermon – Sex: An uncomfortable topic we need to discuss

Sex Within Marriage Podcast

This podcast episode is a sermon I wrote and delivered in my home church while the pastors were away and I was invited to preach.  I’m not a pastor myself, but occasionally I am asked to step in while they are away.  The title I chose was “Sex: an uncomfortable topic we need to discuss”, and it had a few people upset when they came to church and saw it in the bulletin.  Particularly since there was no children’s ministry that week.  But, afterwards, nearly everyone seemed content with what I had said and how I had delivered it.

Some people asked if I would share the sermon here, so you can find the audio, as well as my sermon notes here.

SWM032 – Is oral sex unsanitary?

Sex Within Marriage Podcast

The question I have is concerning oral sex and whether it is “sanitary” or not,especially concerning cunnilingus, but also fellatio. I would love to go down on my wife, but she has a belief that she is “dirty” down there. Though she admits that it feels good she does not want me doing it to her. I have respectfully obliged her request, but I did ask if she would be willing to read an article or anything that would help shed some light on this.

SWM026: Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Father’s Day is this Sunday, and I thought we’d share some last-minute Father’s Day gifts for those wives who listen to the podcast.  We’ve got some free options, some not-so-free options and some options that are a bit of an investment, but all of them you can manage to pull off even the day before Father’s Day.

SWM025: Preparing for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday, so thought I’d talk briefly about why father’s should celebrate Mother’s Day in honour of their wives.  And today, my wife, Christina, has made the time to join me on this episode.  Sort of to make up for the ones I missed recently.  So, here we go.

SWM024: Why Do Men Think Sex is a Reward?

Often men see sex as a reward, even when it’s not intended for one.  Conversely, if they don’t have sex, sometimes they feel punished, or that they failed at something.  Why is this?  I think there are three reasons.

SWM023: It’s all about the relationship

The Bible uses marriage as a metaphor for God’s relationship with us many times.  I think there’s a good reason for it.  In this podcast episode, I discuss my belief that all the do’s and don’ts, both in marriage, and in the Bible, point to one thing: the relationship.