How can I make him taste better?

Jay Dee

How can I make him taste better?

Mar 11, 2016

I received this question a couple of days ago from our anonymous Have A Question page: I love giving my husband oral, but I find his semen to be very bitter. It’s actually very difficult to not gag at the taste. I thought I was

Anonymous QuestionI received this question a couple of days ago from our anonymous Have A Question page:

I love giving my husband oral, but I find his semen to be very bitter. It’s actually very difficult to not gag at the taste. I thought I was going to throw up once.

So I guess my question is; it’s there a way to make him taste better? Or will i eventually get used to it?

This is a very common complaint.  Unfortunately, I have no personal experience with this, however, I can relay what I’ve learned through my studies.

Semen taste is a barometer of good eating habits

It seems to me that every time I see something about how to improve semen taste, it lines up with advice for how to eat better.  Not just eat, but think, smoke, really anything you ingest.  And that makes sense, I mean it’s part of your system.  So, whatever you eat, drink, or smoke, will end up in it.  So, here are some things that will make semen taste worse, usually more bitter and acrid, or my favorite description: like snot mixed with bleach.

  1. Smoking – best “quit smoking” program ever?  Quit smoking and get more enthusiastic blow jobs!
  2. Meat – Red meat more than white, but all meat will shift towards that side of the spectrum
  3. Alcohol- It’s all the sugar I think
  4. Processed sugar – So, cakes, donuts, danishes, hard candy, ju jubes, chocolate covered almonds, whatever your favorite is.

The one exception I’ve heard is asparagus.  Asparagus is good for you…bad for semen taste.

Now, there are things that will make semen taste better too.

  1. Vegetables – raw better than cooked.  I’m told wheat grass in particular, but I’ve never tried that.
  2. Fruit is supposed to be really good, the sweeter the better.  There’s a big difference between processed and natural sugars.  In particular, pineapple is often cited as being the best, particular in juice form.
  3. Water – Yep, watch your water intake.  This will also help with the “snot-like” consistency.

So, if you want the best tasting semen, get your husband to become raw-vegan … hey, where are all the Texans going?  But in all seriousness, I’ve heard that a man can go from tasting acrid and bitter to sweet just by making diet changes including quitting smoking and drinking.  I know, that’s a lot to give up…but in my opinion, they’re things that should be given up anyways.

These go for women as well

The taste of women is not so strong, and usually more pleasant, but they shift as well due to diet changes.  They also change due to time in their cycle as other factors.  So, women if you’re worried about your taste, these tips will work for you too.


Fact is, the vast majority of us could use some large changes in our diet.  We don’t drink enough water, we don’t eat enough fruit (like real fruit, that grew on a tree, not a bar that contains “real fruit”), we don’t eat enough vegetables, we eat too much meat.  Imagine if your spouse was there saying “If you put back that second steak, I’ll rewards you with oral sex”, I think most husband, and not too few wives, would take up that offer.

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