Are you ready for mother’s day?

Jay Dee

Are you ready for mother’s day?

May 04, 2015

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that the most dangerous day of the year for marriages is sneaking up fast.  That’s right, Mother’s Day.  So, this year I thought I’d give you fair warning.  Give you a chance to

AreYouReadyForMothersDayThose of you who have been reading this blog for a while know that the most dangerous day of the year for marriages is sneaking up fast.  That’s right, Mother’s Day.  So, this year I thought I’d give you fair warning.  Give you a chance to prepare, so that you aren’t caught unawares.  And, it just so happens that I’ve even got a gift suggestion.  It’s a pretty awesome one actually.  While I know someone out there will have a wife who will hate it, I think most of them would absolutely melt at this.
About two years ago I wrote a post called Why don’t I give my wife more massages? which was largely me trying to remind myself of the benefits of massaging my wife, in the hopes that I’d remember to do it more often.  But, admittedly, I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes, even when I’m the one giving the advice to myself.

Then, one day, I finally remembered, and started looking for a course, or something, to teach me how to give better massages.  Low and behold, I stumbled across Melt, Massage for Couples and it was exactly what I was looking for.  It’s a video course to teach you how to massage your spouse.  Actually, it’s better than that.  It’s a library of videos to teach you how to massage your spouse, as well as the soundtrack to play during the massage.  They also have e-Books to enhance the learning as well, and best of all, Melt assumes you know absolutely nothing about massaging at the start.

So, in true ministry blogger fashion, I reached out to Denis (the owner of Melt, and the one teaching in the videos), and said I was very interested in his product, and I’d love to review it.  I’ll be honest, I was a bit floored when I got an email back from Denis that opened with:

Hi Jay,

I love your site! Good on you, I think this is a great resource for Christians!

Since then, we’ve been talking on and off for the last 6 months or so.  I also got a chance to try out the videos with my wife.  You know what I learned?  Well, I learned how to give an even better massage, from simple tips that helped immediately to a half hour long massage routine that won’t leave your thumbs or wrists sore, and will leave your wife an absolute puddle.

Christina’s Thoughts: The rhythm and flow that he uses in his technique is so easy to work with and remember the different steps! The very first one you learn has 4 steps and they flow so well together, and even with only those 4, you really do start to melt.

But, also, like I said, I learned again that I’m a little slow on taking my own advice.  After all, in October of 2014, I created an infographic based on one of our surveys showing that 63% of respondents said that a lot of foreplay increased the chance of orgasm the most.  Well, you don’t get much better foreplay than a massage, and, if you’ve been going to bed naked, then that means naked massage (even better).  So, how is it that I was so surprised by how easily she transitioned from mom to wife and got in the mood for sex?  Actually, I think in the month of November my wife got massages more days than not.  And you know what?  I think we had sex more days than not too.  Not bad, particularly considering she was 6 months pregnant, and for two of those weeks we were doing hard labor in the Caribbean on a mission trip.

Christina’s Thoughts: We were often fairly exhausted during our trip that we didn’t really have a whole lot of time for massages, but before we left, it was such a great way that Jay could use these amazing techniques to help me warm up for sex and melt away all the stress from planning our trip. I think I got one nearly every day during that month before we left. 

So, what am I getting at?  Well, I finally took my own advice:

  1. I learned how to give massages, thanks to Melt.
  2. I actually started giving massages.  You know what, I’ve gotten some in return too! (Bonus)

So, if you’re a husband and you’re looking for something to do for Mother’s Day, check out Melt.  After all, flowers die, chocolates get eaten, but learning to massage.  Well, that’s a gift that just keeps giving dividends.

And if you’re a wife … well, maybe not-so-subtly send this to your husband.  Most of us don’t do subtle well.  And email with the subject “This is what I want for Mother’s Day” should do.

Christina’s Thoughts: Its true, men don’t do subtle well, so if you really would like to try out this coarse, you need to just be blunt with him, and tell him what a great thing you found that you absolutely must get so you can try it out.

Your Turn

Do you use massages into your foreplay?  If no, why not?  Maybe you should try!

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