There are many women who suffer from this condition, an unpleasant smell or odour after sex, sometimes for days or even a week afterwards. Here’s a question about it from one of our readers:
I have a question I have wondered about for years. This seems to be common with the women I have asked each personally about . Why do women have an odor of a few different scents, all not so pleasant, after sex when their husband has an orgasm inside the vagina? The odor usually happens the next morning and stays in a funk for the day or for a while longer. This also raises body image issues for the women about their own body when it has nothing to do with our cleanliness down there. We get comments from our husbands sometimes or we are very self conscious about them not smelling it. I have spoken to my husband plenty of times about it. He gets it now but for so long I really thought there was something wrong with my vagina. I do not believe it has anything to do with the women but something to do with what is going on the semen or this is just how it is?
So, what’s going on here? Is this normal? As the reader says, this seems to be common among many women she talks to.
It could be Bacterial Vaginosis
Let me preface this by saying I’m not a doctor, nor do I have any medical training. That said, I don’t believe this odour is normal. That doesn’t mean it isn’t common, though. The most likely culprit is bacterial vaginosis, but you’d need a doctor to diagnose that.
Bacterial Vaginosis is when the natural and healthy bacteria that belong in a vagina are out of balance. We’re supposed to have bacteria in our systems, they do good and helpful things for us. But, they have to be kept in check. Typically our bodies do this automatically, but at times it can get out of balance.
One of the symptoms is a strong odour which many describe as an ammonia-like smell or a fishy smell.
Other symptoms can include:
- Additional vaginal discharge
- Discharge that is grayish white and thin
- Discharge and odour is more noticeable after intercourse
- Pain during sex for a rare few
This common condition affects about 29% of women in the United States, and likely similar numbers in other countries. Pregnant women are especially prone to it, and women with STDs even more so. So, this can explain why talking to other women can make it feel like this is normal. While it’s not “normal”, it is common. It’s like how being overweight is now common, but not normal.
So, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yeah, it could be that something is wrong with your vagina. The semen is merely exacerbating the issue, and that’s when it becomes more noticeable. I’d suggest seeing a doctor about it to get a qualified medical opinion. And your friends who have the same symptoms should consider doing the same. I don’t mean to make you feel bad about it, but if you can clear it up, which is generally fairly easy to do, then you can feel a lot better about having sex.
This isn’t something to be ashamed about. It’s just an imbalance of normally healthy bacteria in your body that can be easily fixed with antibiotics or even diet. Go to a doctor, get checked, it might solve this hold thing easily.