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  • SWM 146 – Legalistic vs Loving Approach to Marriage – Shifting from Rules to Relationship
    In my work as a marriage coach, I often see couples transition from one type of marriage to another. There’s no clear line between these states, no set of rules that definitively places someone in one category or the other. Yet, by observing how they handle conflict, express themselves, and interact in small ways, you can often tell which state their marriage is in. A big part of my job as a coach is helping people shift from one type of marriage to another as most issues in marriage are resolved by doing so.
  • SWM 145 – AQ – Handjobs, sex on a full stomach, routines, sex tapes and more
    Topics include: •Talking about a lack of sex •Not drive due to cancer treatments •Wife doesn’t want to use lube •Our sex life is routine •Strap-on to help with premature ejaculation •Do husbands like handjobs? •Can a married couple film themselves during sex? •Is sex better on a full stomach? •How do you start anal sex?
  • SWM 144 – Why wives have a complicated relationship with sex and what to do about it
    One of our supporters posted a question in our forum which led to a bit of a discussion on what men perceive as sexy, and it shook the questioner a bit, because it was radically different from what she had been led to believe her whole life. This led into a larger discussion about why women tend to have more hangups about sex than men do.  I shared my thoughts in the forum in a bit of a rant and then realized that I don’t know if I’ve really tackled this a whole lot on the blog and podcast.  If I have, it’s been a few years, so it’s time for a refresher for the new people. So, I’m going to try and make it a little less ranty and a little more coherent and see if maybe I can teach some other wives and women out there a bit about what many men think regarding sex in the hopes that it might help some marriages, present or future.
  • SWM 143 – Redefining sex – How to have a thriving sex life despite sexual dysfunction
    I feel like I have some explaining to do.  A couple of weeks ago, I shared that lately, Christina and I have started having sex a lot more than usual.  We had more sexual encounters last month than there were days in the month.  We’re at about 30 for this month already.   This has led to some questions by some people.
  • SWM 142 – AQ – September 2024 – Exhibitionism, no sex in 4 months, rough sex and more
    Topics include: Exhibitionism No sex in 4 months Should I disclose previous porn struggles to fiancee Other resources What qualifies as mutual masturbation Need rougher sex to orgasm