Privacy Policy

You know, I hate privacy policy pages.  They take up space, and no one reads them.  But, they’re sort of required in this day and age, so here’s my attempt to cover my bases without sounding like a legal robot.

At Uncovering Intimacy (, we’re concerned about your privacy, particularly considering the amount of faith you put in us to help you navigate some pretty intimacy areas of your life.  As such, we do our best to ensure your personal data is kept safely and securely.

I’ve spent a significant amount of time trying to balance being able to maintain operations with letting you be as anonymous as you wish.  Now, I do use tools like Google Analytics and others to track aggregate data like how many people see what pages, for how long, etc..  It even will tell me what city you are from, and try to guess at your gender, but it can’t generally be used to single out a single person unless they explicitly make themselves known.

We do use cookies to try and help make your experience better.  For example, if you say “Stop showing me the newsletter invite!”, we use a cookie not to show you it again.  We also use it to remember your login if you’re purchasing from our shop.  It’s a little hard to complete those functions without cookies.

We don’t share personal information with anyone without explicit permission.  Occasionally we may have third-party partnerships (like toy companies for example) ask about our demographics, but they only get very vague and abstract data, like how many people visit from the US in a day, age ranges, gender splits, etc..  And there are cases, like when selling physical products, where we have to share your shipping information with a distributor in order to fulfill your order.  As well, from time to time we run surveys when we share the aggregate data with the world in a blog post, but, no one has access to the individual data points.

We share a lot of links to other sites, and we can’t guarantee your browsing experience when you leave our site.  We also can’t guarantee they will practice the same care we do, but, we do our best to form relationships with sites we trust.

That said, if any time you would like your information removed from any of our services we’re more than happy to oblige.  Our mailing list has an unsubscribe link at the bottom you can use, or you can contact us here.

Oh, we’re also supposed to mention that we don’t ever intend to do business with minors, and so we don’t keep any personal information on anyone under the age of 13, but if you find out we have inadvertently, let us know and we’ll remove it.

Now, if you happened to get through all of that, congrats!  We hope we covered all the bases.  If you still have questions feel free to contact us. Now, as a thanks for reading all that, feel free to use the coupon code PRIVACY on our shop for 20% off any of our printables or courses.

Are you curious if your bedroom activities are "normal"?  Find out by filling out our latest anonymous survey.